Thursday, May 27, 2010

When Will We Wake Up ??

The BP (British Petroleum) oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is a disaster that makes the Exxon Valdez disaster look like spilled milk. As horrendous as this disaster is, the worst part of it all is the unequivocal evidence that people and governments don't run our country, corporations do. For the past 150 years, corporations have slowly, but surely, blurred the lines between government and business. While filming the shores of Louisiana after the spill, CBS was threatened with arrest by BP officials - escorted by the US Coast Guard. Yes - the US Coast Guard told CBS that it's BP that "makes the rules". This is a tremendous WTF? moment. BP has destroyed one of the most fragile and profitable ecosystems in the world. The Louisiana coastline ranks 29th in the global economy. That is gone now... done. Finished. The Gulf of Mexico continues to be polluted by thousand of barrels of crude every hour. It's been 36 days so far, and it keeps on gushing. No one knows how to stop it.
BP has already profited as a result of this disaster in that their insurance company has paid them for the destruction of their digging platform. I haven't even mentioned the 11 men killed, it's too heart wrenching to even write about at the moment. But the countless animals that are dead, slowly and painfully dying, choking, their habitats are destroyed. Whole living ecosystems are dead and the vast amounts of oil are now in the "loop," headed to the fragile coral reef just of the coast of Florida, then the oil will head up the East Coast, polluting the beaches of southern Florida, North and South Caroline, Maryland, Delaware, Long Island and eventually Cape Cod until heading out into the mid Atlantic.
Whose fault is this really? Is it BP's fault? The government's fault? No - it's OUR fault. We, the passive consumers who have over the past 150 years, allowed large corporations to become the behemoths that they are. From oil companies to insurance companies, we are now at the mercy of their whims. They buy elections. They influence voters. They start wars. They destroy our planet, our TRUE quality of life - and we drive up to the pump every day of every year to fill our gas guzzlers with petrol. Thousands of our young men and women in uniform are dead because we must make certain that we have all the oil we need to go on vacations, run our errands and heat our homes. Despicable.
Instead of people waking up and really taking stock in the problems that slowly destroy our lives, we have a group of lunatics who proudly call themselves "The Tea Party" who have their heads so far up their own, ignorant asses, that they believe all the lies that corporate America tells them. They blame Democrats, the government, immigrants - everyone but themselves. They, as the rest of us, need to take a long, hard look in the proverbial mirror and start taking responsibility for the world that we have created.
It's time to wake up, America - before it's too late.

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