Thursday, August 26, 2010

Those Pesky "Christianists"

From Andrew Sullivan's "The Atlantic":

"We have two competing world views here and there is no way that we can reach across the aisle -- one is going to have to win. We are either going to go down the socialist road and become like western Europe and create, I guess really a godless society, an atheist society. Or we're going to continue down the other pathway where we believe in freedom of speech, individual liberties and that we remain a Christian nation. So we're going to have to win that battle, we're going to have to solve that argument before we can once again reach across and work together on things," - Congressman John Fleming (R-LA).

You hear that? It's a mythic battle, folks. For the record, people in Western Europe have the freedom of speech, individual liberties and many believe in the TRUE teachings of Christ - you know, like, tolerance, love, treat people the way you want to be treated, don't judge - you know all those great Christ-y things that the "Christians" in the USA seem to ignore.

This new wave of Republican, right-wing extremism is terrifying in that it represents a totalitarian theocracy - where people have LESS freedom of speech, LESS individual liberties and a nation where some, made up, perverse idea of Christ become national law.

That which they crave is not America. Indeed - this is a battle that the true Americans must (and will) win.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

CA Judge Overturns Proposition 8

Judge Vaughn Walker today overturned Proposition 8. There's lot's of reactions to this and mostly they are positive, as they should be. This ruling is a victory for everyone - not only for the tens of thousands of couples that it directly affects, but for every person in the state of California, no matter what side they are on. For this ruling ensures us that justice, fairness and equality still matter in California, that our state's constitution is alive and well and is doing it's job, protecting ALL citizens of this state. So, it's a great day for EVERYONE in California.
Now go out and celebrate... :)

Prop 8 Ruling FINAL